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Coffee Products

Compak K8 Fresh 83B250 Blk

Compak K8 Fresh 83B250 Blk


The new Fresh line from Compak developed in collaboration with some of the world's most renowned Baristas and designed to grind coffee beans without altering any of its natural  properties during the grinding process.
Click to view the satin black finish version Compak K8 Fresh (Black)

The Compak F8 Fresh grinder is one of the best doserless flat burrs espresso grinders in the world. It is designed for busy, high-end coffee shops and for the professional most demanding barista at home. The F-8 Fresh was build and designed with a belief in mind where an output that is anything less than perfect is unacceptable. It has the necessary features, qualities and perfectionism required by highest level baristas for competition worldwide.

This heavy duty, 15.2 Kgs (34 Lbs) espresso grinder is fitted with powerful 83mm hardened steel flat burrs. The K-8 grinds coffee 50% more quickly than most flat burr coffee grinders, producing 7 grams shot in merely 2 seconds in average, 35-40 lbs per hour compared to the industry average of 25lbs an hour. The latest technology grinding system with direct drive motor also produces much less heat in the grinding process, resulting in superior shots, while the motor only runs at 1350 rpm. This also results in less noise and therefore a more pleasant environment for you at home or your customers and employees alike.

The distribution chamber (chute) delivers clump free, easily settled coffee grounds while the sturdy adjustable fork height is smooth and ergonomic, ready to pull for you the next perfect shot directly into the portafilter handle. The K8 Fresh is very easy to clean and comes standard with large 1.9 Kgs bean hopper for whole coffee beans. A smaller, short bean hopper of 550 grams capacity is optional and can be purchased separately for better fit at home.

Compak K8 is also perfect for busy coffee shops, It has many features that save time and energy. It has consistent dosing controlled by superior digital timer, accurate and stable burrs that require minimum adjustment. It is extremely fast grinder with professional design. An outstanding performer with all the bells and whistles with a class of its own.

Key Characteristics

Motor power (w): 1/2
Voltage / 110V / 60Hz / 1.600rpm
ø Grinding disc (mm): 83
Production (lb/h): 16-18
Time x dosis (7 g): 2.5 seg
Dynamometric telescopic tamper: optional

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Direct Drive 1/2HP

The Direct Drive 1/2HP ultra quiet motor with Automatic reset overload protection and speed gear reduction provide provides maximum prevention of coffee grounds heating in fast environment.

Heavy duty flat burrs

This burr set is considered the highest quality in the industry.

Large hopper for whole coffee beans

Less Noise than standard grinding machines.